Sunday, May 9, 2010


5 Things I learned from Babies this Mother's Day:

1) Rugrats is rarely factually correct.
2) The fact that babies are cute does not make up for the disgusting things this movie showed me.
3) Not to favor one race, but Asian babies are significantly cuter. Especially one's from Mongolia.
4) When all you do is have babies, you're boobs hang down to your belly button and you forget to wear a shirt.
5) If you have a brother who is a toddler and you're a baby, you will get abused.

Ok, so basically this movie is, of course, adorable, but also rather disturbing. It's a documentary shot over 2 years' span of time to produce a film that's less than an hour and a half. It follows babies from all over the world in locations such as Tokyo, Mongolia, Namibia and San Francisco. They are all cute, however not everything they do is cute as you will see in the "When Scenes" section.

Those of you who know me, know I have a strong aversion to basically the first ten minutes of this movie were horrible and viewed through my fingers. They show exposed stomachs, child birth and lots and lots of disgusting saggy boobs.

When Scenes
WHEN the African baby poops on the mom, she wipes it on her knee, and then cleans it off with a used corn cob.
WHEN the Mongolian baby was lying down and his toddler brother came in dragging what appeared to be a dead cat, left it there and walked away.
WHEN the Japanese baby is trying to play with a toy and she can't get it to work and throws herself on the ground.
WHEN the African baby tries to eat dirt.
WHEN the Seattle baby is trying to get out of the room where her father and a group of other parents and babies are chanting about the Earth being their mother.


"WAHHHH"- Every baby

Fun Facts:

This movie took about 2 years to shoot. At the end they show the kids almost four years later.

The movie was directed and produced by two French men:


Chabat is the French voice of Shrek.

Ponijao, the baby from Namibia in Africa, is the 8th of nine babies.

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