Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Four Lions

Literally one of the funniest movies I've seen in the past few months. I would recommend it to almost anyone. Though its topic, Islamic jiihads, doesn't seem humorous, the way the film is presented is genius. This satire perfectly attacks the ridiculous nature of suicide bombers and racist society in general.

It just seems so wrong to be laughing while people are being blown up, but when those people are tripping over sheep while carrying explosives, you'll come to understand that there's a level of forgiveness in the theater. The great thing about this humor is that it's not based on farts or sex, but its core lies in the foundations of a current problem. It's definitely one I could watch over and over again.

When Scenes:
Fessel buys all of his liquid peroxide at the same store and tries to validate it by having used different voices...the voices are all the same.
WHEN in the same scene Fessel claims he disguised himself as a woman by covering up his beard with his hand.
WHEN Hassan freaks out in the lecture on Islam and pretends to blow himself up. When confetti pops out he yells at the people that they just thought he would blow up because he's Muslim.
WHEN Barry isn't invited to Pakistan and they frog tie him in the trunk.
WHEN Omar shoots the rocket launcher backwards and accidently blows up the training camp instead of the American spy plane.
WHEN the "four lions" dress up in costumes to run in the London Marathon.

"I think I'm confused, but I'm not sure." Kayvan Novak (Waj)

"[When using 'fake' voices to buy liquid peroxide] I.R.A. voice? Their terrorists Fess! Why d'you wanna do a terrorist voice for? You'll get us nicked!" Nigel Lindsay (Barry)
"But I'll be disguished then, won't I?" Adeel Akhtar (Fessel)
"Yeah, as a terrorist!" Nigel Lindsay (Barry)

"[same scene] So you went into a shop...with your hands on your face, like that, and asked for 12 bottles of bleach? So why has she got her hands on her face, Fess?" Nigel Lindsay (Barry)
"Cos she's got a beard..." Adeel Akhtar (Fessel)

"[Waj's idea of heaven] Rubber dinghy rapids bro." Kayvan Novak (Waj)

Fun Facts

On January 23, 2010, Four Lions had its world premeir at Sundance. On the same day, the UK terror threat level was raised to severe, due to non-specific chatter.

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