Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's the typical female empowerment movie complete with a kung fu J-Lo. Basically J-Lo's incredibly rich and well-connected husband beats and threatens her and she decides to leave. In a traumatic series of events she escapes from him and the men he hires multiple times.

It's a great movie to watch just when it's on TV, which is just what I did. With a predictable ending and plot the best part about this movie is J-Lo. Though Sandra Bullock (who had originally been asked to play the role) may have been a better choice if they wanted to win this film some awards, J-Lo still kicks butt. Like Beyonce in Obsessed, there's just something about divas that make you confident they'll win.

When Scenes:
WHEN J-Lo's cute daughter is playing with a basketball and her husband's evil friend picks it up. The ball stops bouncing and you think she's gone, but she reappears right behind J-Lo.
WHEN J-Lo's friends first help her get out of the house.
WHEN the daughter decides her new name is Queen Elizabeth.
WHEN the emergency worker says "you're one of the lucky ones" and J-Lo seems so surprised.

"Is this my little croissant?"- Bill Campbell (Mitch)
"No, this is your loaf of bread." - Jennifer Lopez (Slim)

"You cannot call me Slim." - Jennifer Lopez (Slim)
"But I never call you Slim. I don't think you are that slim."- Tessa Allen (Gracie)
"Oh, thanks a lot."- Jennifer Lopen (Slim)

"Are you scared?"- Jennifer Lopez (Slim)
"Of what?"- Bill Campbell (Mitch)
"Of me."- Jennifer Lopez (Slim)

Fun Facts:

The role of Jennifer Lopez was originally intended for Sandra Bullock.

The fighting technique learned by Slim is Krav Maga ("contact combat") and is an Israeli self-defense technique.

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