Sunday, April 24, 2011

Water for Elephants Review

My failed attempts at finishing the book before I watched the film left me uncertain as to what I would find when watching Water for Elephants. And just like the dazzling circus the story captures, I left feeling I'd watched quite the spectacle.
Though I love mocking the Twilight movies, Robert Pattinson left nothing to mock in his charming, well-acted role as Jacob Jankowski — an almost-college-grad gone circus. And while I don't care much for clowns, this circus was more of a fantasy land than a comedic farce.

It comes as no surprise that I loved every second that Christoph Waltz was on the screen. Someone who can strike fear into my heart with a simple smile instantly proves himself to me as an actor and excellent villain. I'm glad he was able to break free of the Inglourious Basterds label and show that he can be equally chilling when not playing a Nazi.

Surprisingly director Francis Lawrence is mostly known for his music videos (Britney Spears, JLo and Green Day), but like fashion designer Tom Ford's directorial debut with A Single Man, has definitely proven himself in the serious film genre. Everything from the fashion to the music seemed perfectly period and mood appropriate.

My only complaint, while minor, should still be voiced so as to provide full disclosure. While I believed that Pattinson's character Jacob was definitely in love with Marlena (played by Reese Witherspoon), I found her love to be rather hidden for the majority of the film. Friends who've read the entire book say that this was explained in the book by her overwhelming fear of August (Waltz) — which is completely understandable as he is a rather terrifying man — but it didn't quite translate until the very end that she loved Jacob back.

That being said, this small fault should in no way stop you from going to see the film. It's beautiful, well-acted and leaves you with a spectacle you won't soon forget.

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