Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Review

The most interesting thing about seeing a Harry Potter film at midnight is definitely the people in the audience. They are a select bunch of misfits who normally tend to be the loudest, most obnoxious people on the planet. Take for example the Hufflepuff [used here as a derogatory term] in front of me who thought it was fun to take MySpace pics with a flash brighter than the "lumos" charm for the two hours before the film started. However, the most interesting part of a midnight crew is their ability to flip the
switch and turn absolutely silent the instant the fog hits the screen.

The only difference with this group and the past midnight crews was
that their silence was 100 percent justified. This film was, from the
very beginning, perfect. Every single HP film has produced some level
of disappointment for me, until now.

First off the acting was impeccable. I was especially impressed with
Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. His haggard state was an excellent show of his fall from grace.

I was also really excited about how graphic the film was. This may
sound strange, but after the last film in which every Muggle safely
escapes after the Millenium Bridge is snapped in half, I was ready for
some gore. And gore I received. George's ear is blown off, Ron's
shoulder is destroyed and Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix. And that's not the half of it. This film really takes it to the next level. The
characters mature and the violence gets more intense, as it should.

The best scene in the entire movie was definitely when Harry, Ron and Hermione take Polyjuice Potion and enter the Ministry of Magic. The
details in this scene really show how the Ministry has completely lost
all of its values and morals. The anti-muggle and mudblood
propaganda was disturbingly close to Hilter's pamphlets in WWII.
Every element of the scene is flawless.

I don't want to ruin anything else. My only complaint is that it had to
end. Just go see it.

When Scenes
Harry visits the broom cupboard for the last time.
WHEN George walks in on Harry and Ginny kissing.
WHEN Harry and Hermione dance.
WHEN Harry first uses the new wand and almost catches the tent on fire.

"If you think I'm going to let everyone here risk their lives for me..."— Harry Potter
"Yeah, we've never done that before."— Ron Weasley

[After Ron returns]
"Where's my wand Harry? Where's my wand?" — Hermione Granger
"I dunno..." — Harry Potter (slowly walking away)

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