Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscars Coverage Part 15

I want Black Swan to win Best Picture more than anything, but since I've given into the fact that it won't, I'm rooting for The Social Network or Inception. I know that a ton of people loved The King's Speech, but I found it to be a very slow-paced film, unworthy of the fame it's received.

And why does The King's Speech get to narrate the montage?!? That's basically confirming that it will definitely win. NOOOOOOO WHY WHY WHY WHYYY!?!?!?!

The Academy has screwed me over several years in a row now. So forget it. Darren, Natalie, Mila: your film was incredible. One of the best I've seen in the last 10 years. You were robbed.

Don't try to win me back over with singing 5th graders Academy, we're through.

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