Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscars Coverage Part 8

Cate Blanchett's dress is ugly, but when she shuddered and said "that's gross" after they showed the footage from The Wolfman, she won me over. Who knew that The Wolfman could ever win anything?

Any Tim Burton film that doesn't win Best Costume Design has been robbed. Tim Burton is a visionary and with one of the most quirky women in the business. Unfortunately, the costume designer had one of the most boring acceptance speeches I've ever witnessed. She read off a shaking piece of paper the entire time. I forgot that Anne Hathaway was in Alice in Wonderland for a hot second.

I liked the montage of favorite Best Original Songs. Barack Obama WOULD pick the classiest song out there from Casablanca.

I really liked "At Last I See the Light" from Tangled, it's so superior to the predicted winner "If I Rise" from 127 Hours.

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