Saturday, February 5, 2011

'On the Road,' Kristen Stewart... why?

I feel like most problems in the film industry today can be traced back to three female names: Megan Fox, Jessica Alba and Kristen Stewart. Not to be too harsh, but would anyone's cinematic experience be seriously altered if these ladies stopped their acting careers? In the words of the musical Wicked, "I do believe I [would be] changed for the better."
Now, come to find out that Stewart will be in the film On the Road. So not only does she have to destroy Joan Jett, but now a classic Jack Kerouac novel? This is getting to be a bit much. Look, I understand that she wears Chuck Taylors with expensive designer gowns and has no sense of posture, but why are we now making her the poster child of the "deep," alternative lifestyle? There are plenty of actresses out there who could take on this title and do it 10 times better: Evan Rachel Wood, Thora Birch, hell, even Ellen Page could do a better job. Why choose to butcher classics with this awkward, untalented vampire lover?

What's next? Is she going to star in the screen version of The Catcher and the Rye? Because that would be the last straw for me. For those of you reading this who are outraged by what I'm saying, this sub-par, badly acted film will be out later this year and will also star Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy), Sam Riley and Kirsten Dunst.

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