Monday, November 28, 2011

Beauty Of The Beast

Beauty Of The Beast

Looking like illustrations from the children's classic Alice in Wonderland photographer Igor Siwanowicz brings out the beauty in these little beasts. The creepy crawly-mad nature photographer used a macro lens to get up-close and personal with a host of weird and wonderful-looking wildlife in his latest work. The wildlife expert from Poland says he is on a mission to make people fall in love with these striking creatures, some of which he keeps as pets.
Here a Hed Frog stares down Mr Siwanowicz's camera. The pictures, which bring out the subtle beauty of these creepy beasties, are designed to encourage people to look a little deeper
Lovely eyes: Using a macro lens, this Phidippus Otiosus (Jumping spider) was photographed in Igor's studio in Munich, Germany

Going out on a limb: A Kyongia Fischeri (Fisher's chameleon) clatches on to a twig. From his home studio in Munich, 35-year-old Igor waits patiently for his subjects to strike the right pose

Nature expert Igor Siwanowicz is on a mission to make people fall in love with weird and wonderful wildlife, such as the Jacksonís chameleon

Here a Puss moth
Going for a wander? These two Domergue's Leaf Chameleons (l to r male, female) look like they are off on an afternoon stroll

Pictured here Mr Siwanowicz has captured a Calleta Silk Moth coiling around a twig

two Deathís Head Moths sharing an encounter
Here a ìMega-mantisî stretches its long skinny limbs

a Red-Eyed Tree Frog 
two Reddish-brown Stag Beetles
From jumping spiders and stag beetles to baby chameleons, Igor says he wants people to look again at the hidden beauty of some of the planets strangest looking animals.  'I encourage you to honor every life form's right to exist and to stare right in the face of the thing you consider disgusting and frightening - and to discover its beauty,' said Igor.  'My art challenges the perception that a bug is something repulsive and ugly.' Using a 100mm lens, 35-year-old Igor waits patiently for his subjects to strike the right pose from 15cm away. But with a success rate of just one in every 200 photos, Igor admits photographing insects, reptiles and amphibians can be a lengthy process. Igor said: 'Working with notoriously uncooperative little beasties presents another challenge altogether. 'You can't make the little buggers pose for you. They do what they please - and you have to figure out what it is. 'Brains of insects, arachnids, amphibians and reptiles are hard-wired - there isn't much plasticity going on there, no much free space to acquire acting skills.' Working from his home studio in Munich, Igor enlisted the help of his pet Iguana Cornelius among others  However, his favourite image is of a baby chameleon looking lost at the end of a curly twig.Igor said: 'There is something universally baby-like in the little chameleon's features that immediately evokes a cuteness response. 'That combined with the little reptile's bummed-out, end-of-the-line look and lavender hues gives the image lots of character." Igor, who has travelled to Indonesia, Singapore and South Africa to snap wildlife, said: 'The key to success is observation skills, respect for your models and patience.'

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