Thursday, October 6, 2011

New 'Snow White Photos' Lots of Color and Swan Headdresses?

After showing some darker poster art early on, these new photos from Entertainment Weekly come as a bit of surprise. The story seems much more whimsical than the angsty Snow White and the Huntsman starring the queen of angst herself, Kristen Stewart. I like these bright colors though. My only disappointment is Julia Robert's look. Though I think she'll play the evil queen well, I thought they could have made her look a bit more evil. Armie Hammer looks dashing as Snow White's prince and the ball photo with swan headdresses and cotton ball dresses looks completely ridiculous (which means the scene will probably be great). This version of Snow White is set come out March 16, 2012 beating its opponent by 16 days. Will you go see it?

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