Monday, October 18, 2010

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Updates

With Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter currently in the works, Hollywood has moved onto its next "classic," a film adaptation of the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. According to Empire Online, David O Russell was supposed to direct but recently dropped out due to interest in other projects. Before leaving O Russell had lined up Scarlett Johansson to take over what was originally going to be Natalie Portman's role, and had gotten Bradley Cooper interested in playing Mr. Darcy.

Luckily since O Russell left, we won't have to watch the two sickening adulterers from He's Just Not That Into You cultivate another romance based solely on looks. The fact that after Portman dropped out O Russell looked for her replacement in Johansson shows that he is not sound of mind. There are certain actresses who solely rely on their looks to cover up their bad acting (see Megan Fox), Johansson is definitely one of them in my opinion.

Directors Mike Newell (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Neil Marshall (The Descent) and David Slade (30 Days of Night and Twilight: Eclipse) are all contenders for O Russell's job. I'll let you know further updates as the cast develops.

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